  • Desicion-
  • Design-
  • Architect-

snoб career

  • We're always on the lookout for talented and motivated individuals to join the team.
  • If you are interested in working with us, please send your CV and examples of your work through our contact form.
  • We are committed to investment in development for each member of the team

let’s speed up
your career

Become a snob – let's work together

People who are real fans of the job can change this world. We believe that in SNOB we create a team of such people.

But if you are a real snob, we can't be friends

Our talented team is composed of architects and interior designers with a network of specialists to create fresh and innovative aesthetics for hospitality-driven projects all over the world. We work together to make projects that can change the way of thinking. We’re a group of like-minded people. Together we combine experience and knowledge to create stunning private and commercial projects. If you would like to be a part of our team, please get in touch at the form.

A team, which does not churn out projects

Custom tailored design, no copycats, no limits


  • part-time

let’s collab

in design and architecture
