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About snoб
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We do not just design. We create pure satisfaction. Your personal story.
Fresh way of looking at communication, work processes and interior design to meet your most sophisticated expectations!
A team of solid individuals, that makes your dreams come true

SNOB – what is it?

The peculiarity of SNOB is that there is no snobbery in our projects. Beginning in the capital of snobbery, our bureau was obliged to get an exact naming. SNOB – it’s the protest against monotonous design, which disaster artists churn out by the first search engine results. SNOB is an experiment, this is a bold fantasy that we bring to life.

sticker smile

We know how to tell your story

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“Working on a new project is like having the first child - nervousness, excitement, anticipation... but every time, as with children, everything turns out to be even better than you expected!”
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We believe that architecture and design should remain a niche for professionals, not amateurs.
Each SNOB project is not just a beautiful shell, but a thoughtful, comfortable, aesthetic space, first of all - for people.
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The design is similar to submersion. Some people scuba dive, others lower their heads under the water in a plastic mask. You guessed it, we choose diving. That is why we create projects that delay, attract with details and atypical solutions.

We create a story
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 You guessed it, we choose diving. That is why we create projects that delay, attract with details and atypical solutions. You guessed it, we choose diving. That is why we create projects that delay, attract with details and atypical solutions. You guessed it, we choose diving. That is why we create projects that delay, attract with details and atypical solutions.

SNOB – complete design with depth

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We create a story
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 You guessed it, we choose diving. That is why we create projects that delay, attract with details and atypical solutions. You guessed it, we choose diving. That is why we create projects that delay, attract with details and atypical solutions. You guessed it, we choose diving. That is why we create projects that delay, attract with details and atypical solutions.

Modern and retro?

[About SNOB]
A group of like-minded people who combine experience and knowledge to create stunning private and commercial projects.
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The basic philosophy of our studio is to create individual, aesthetically stunning solutions for our customers with the speed of light, from a scratch, yet bespoke and precisely outstanding.

let’s collab

in design and architecture
